Monday, April 18, 2016

Tetris Analysis


  • Interface! (HUD)
  • Spawn random pieces 
  • Piece Rotation
  • Scoring
  • "Tetris Bonus"


  • Pieces (see image below as reference)
  • Background Image
  • Fonts
  • Background Music
  • Piece sounds (upon scoring)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Attract Trailer Analysis

So since we're making an attract trailer for the sophomore spinout game, here's an older game (from N64 era) that is compiled using gameplay footage! I kind of love the use of humor to demonstrate different aspects of the game, which gives it a "cheesy" yet "fun" feeling.

I don't think this would specifically work for my level, but I did enjoy it.

Here's a more serious video though, Distance gameplay is very unique, so I'm glad they were able to show it and it's different aspects. The ending cuts at the end are especially appealing to me.

Friday, April 1, 2016


We are making a HUD for our racing game, and here's a mock-up of mine.
The lightning around the border of the speedometer is actually divided into 3 sections, and will deplete as the player uses up the weapon charges.

The circles behind what gear the car is in will not be there permanently, only the gear that the car is in will have a circle behind it.

The health bar works in a similar fashion to the "ammo" gauge, but goes by 25/50/75/100%.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Exploding "barrel"

Here's a destructible car battery I made for my racing level (you can see it previously in the last post)- this time I added an explosion to it!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Destructible Crate!

Every game has an exploding crate of sorts, so in my racing level to keep the theme going, I made my "crates" into car batteries :)

Here's a few screenshots:

Monday, February 29, 2016

Racing level intro sequence analysis

Here's an intro sequence to NFS Hot Pursuit that I think is really neat. I really like the way the camera fades in and out of scenes showing different areas of the level. It's kind of dark and gloomy and even shows racers playing on the track itself which is kind of nice because it helps put the scale into perspective. I actually really like the part where they zoom in on the tires spinning out and creating smoke, then quickly zips the camera from the front to the back of the same car (a quick pan, perhaps). I think this is something I would like to incorporate into mine.

The seamless transition from video/sequence to gameplay is awesome!