Saturday, February 6, 2016

Stunt and racing track research

For our next project in class we are making a racing level, so, a little research is in order. We have to research some real life stunts, so I found an episode of Top Gear where they're trying to do a barrel roll. They don't pull it off the first time, so a little while later they have the same guy try it again (I assume):

Incorporating a barrel roll into my game might be fun, or at least a jump that requires the player to spin slightly through the air and land at an angle (like the second platform was perpendicular to the one launched off of.). If I can pull off something like that, I think that would be really cool.

We also needed to research some games that have mechanics that alter the track, or incorporate an element that can change the track.

So here's a video of one of my favorite games growing up, Crash Team Racing. There's a part in the level where the player is presented with a giant hall, and there are barrels of toxic waste falling down. The player can choose to travel under them if they are granted an immunity of sorts, or are risk takers... or they can swerve in and out to get the boosts... OR.. they can just avoid them all together. I also REALLY like the speed boost tunnel.. and would like to incorporate that into my track.. maybe it only appearing on the third lap or something!

I found a game that has a power plant level, and a lot of their assets are super close to what I'd like to have in mine. Here's some videos I found:

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